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What tools does Lisa Derby City Use?

Updated: Dec 11, 2023

I am a bridge between the deceased and the living and the messages I receive are dependent on how 'open minded' the person who is seeking clarification on a specific question. I use a variety of Oracle, Tarot and Angel cards in my readings. From the 5th November 2020 due to the national lockdown, I will be doing 'Facetime live' readings on WhatsApp and Messenger. The other tools of divination are my stones (I also see colours which are significant i.e. Blue is about needing or giving emotional support) that I use along side my readings and the use of stones or colours confirms and reinforces the message or messages that I have interpreted.


Tarot cards are a specialised set of cards their origins are still a mystery. Some people believe that Tarot originated in Egypt, while some believe it originated in India and some believe that Tarot originated in the fabled lost city of Atlantis. In Western Europe, the Tarot made its first appearance in the 15th century and the Tarot deck was designed in Italy as a card game to be enjoyed by the aristocracy. These cards were originally hand-painted and used as a family parlour game and not for divination. It was more in the late 18th century that Tarot decks started to be used for divination (the word divination is from Latin divinare, meaning 'to foresee, to foretell, to predict, to prophesy, linked to divinus, 'divine' or to be inspired by a God.) Through Tarot card reading (Tarot card reading is the practice of using Tarot cards to gain insight into the past, present or future by asking the cards a question, then selecting and interpreting the cards.) This elitism changed with the invention of the printing press and, Tarot become more accessible to to a larger audience and Cartomancy (Cartomancy is fortune telling or divination) in which custom Tarot decks were developed for such occult purposes. Historically Tarot has been vilified and perceived as the work of the devil by churches. Tarot still reminds an important part of esoteric ( esoteric is that it is only understood by a small group of people with a intended specialised knowledge or interest) wisdom and is increasingly growing more popular in secular modern societies.


The Tarot deck is similar to an ordinary pack of playing cards. Both have 4 suits numbered from ace to ten. In a Tarot deck they are 78 cards; they are grouped under 2 headings:

22 cards in the Major Arcana (Arcana is from the Latin word arcanus meaning hidden or secret) which are numbered from 0 The Fool, 1 The Magician and XXI The World.

The 56 cards of the Minor Arcana are divided into 4 elements:

The suit of wands (clubs), the element is fire

The suit of cups (hearts), the element is water

The suit of swords (spades), the element is air

The suit of pentacles (diamonds), the element is earth.

Each suit is subdivided into court cards (King, queen, prince, princess) and into numerical cards (ace through to ten). When I am doing a reading for a person and more Minor cards occur than Major, this signifies that they are in control of their own destiny. If it is the other way around, fate decides their future.


The first rule is that it is important that you familiarise yourself with your cards. Get to know the pictures, shuffle them a lot, carry them about with you, sleep with them under your pillow so that your energy is absorbed and this will make them uniquely yours. Keep your Tarot cards wrapped in a black silk scarf/material or in a wooden/carboard box, or simply keep them in a drawer. It is important that you do not allow other people to play with your Tarot cards or even pick them up without your permission (Also do not ever allow anyone else to read them). Your Tarot cards are unique and special to you and now that you have begun this learning process, you can start to practise on how to read them. Therefore is important that you trust your own natural instinct when using your Tarot cards. After you ask a question and do a Tarot card spread, contemplate them carefully before you start a reading. Tarot is fluid and the same card may have diverse meanings in response to another question or in another context.


Apart from the 'Calendar' spread of laying out the cards, events can be timed using the Minor Arcana, when specific questions have been asked. This means you need to count backwards from the last card that was laid down. You ignore all the Major Arcana and Court cards and make a note of the first suit and number of the Minor numbered card. In this system, each suit relates to a different measurement of time:

Cups are days (please note can only be counted if next to a Pentacle card)

Wands are weeks

Swords are months

Pentacles are years

If the last card placed in the reading was the 5 of Wands, the events spoken would happen within the next 5 weeks. However to confuse matters you need to be informed that individual cards often have a time period linked to them. The Moon can refer to 28 days which is one lunar cycle. The Sun may refer to summer, the Empress to spring and the Star to Christmas, including the astrological signs associated with the various Major Arcana cards. To confuse you even more the Minor Arcana suits can also refer to seasons. Wands represent spring, Cups represent summer, Pentacles represent autumn and Swords represent winter.


There are many different types of Tarot card spreads, these spreads can be general or specific. If it is a general spread, no question is asked and it is more of a general reading for the enquirer with regards to their life and future events. The more specific the type of reading is, a direct question needs to be asked by the enquirer while I give them permission to shuffle the Tarot cards.


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