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Moon Magic

Updated: Jan 23

The Moon origins are still unclear, several theories believe that the Moon and Earth were once a single planet, where others believe the Moon was drawn into the Earth's orbit. Another theory is that both sphere's were created together out of the same space dust and cosmic gases.

The Moon is said to be the same age as the Earth which is approximately 4600 million years old. Measures 2170 miles (3476km) across and gravity is one-sixth that of Earth. The Earth's electromagnetic field, crop harvest and weather are greatly influenced by the cycles of the Moon.

The Moon orbits the Earth in 27.3 days, but because the Earth and Moon are rotating together at different speeds around the Sun, it actually takes the moon 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes and 28 seconds to complete one orbit around the Earth, from New Moon to New Moon.

Myths and Legends

# The New Moon marks an auspicious time to increase your finances by turning coins in your pocket, while bowing to the Crescent Moon in the night sky.

# You must never ever leave your washing out at night. It is believed if moonlight shines upon your washing, it shines upon clothes for a funeral.

# Touch a silver coin when you see the Moon and that coin will bring you good luck.

# A good omen to move house on a New Moon.

# A baby born at the time of a Full Moon is a child blessed with good fortune.

# It is lucky to hold a new born baby up to the light of a New Moon, and give thanks and prayers that the child will be blessed with a long life.

Moon Goddesses

The Moon Goddesses are often referred to as the "Triple Goddesses" based on the three phases, New, Full and Waning or Dark. The Triple Goddesses represents the Mother, the Maiden and the Crone, sometimes referred to as the 'Great Mother' or 'Magna Del' (the male Gods of the Moon is Thoth, the Egyptian God of the Moon and Sin, the Sumerian God). The Yoruba ethnic group of South Western Nigeria prayed to African Gods and Goddess known as Orisha (Orisa), including Yemoja. Yemoja is the nurturing life force associated with water, as a Moon Goddess she is said to be the life force behind the creation of all living things and the divine creator of the Orishas.

# Mawu (or Mahu), African, is said to be a creator Goddess, associated with the Sun and Moon in Dahomey (present day Benin in West Africa) mythology. In some myths she is described as the wife of the male God Lisa. They are said to unite together during a Lunar Eclipse, when the Sun, Earth, Moon are aligned (just like during a full moon). Mawu and Lisa originate from the Primordial Mother Nana Buluku who is said to be the divine creator of the world.

# Yemoja, African, this is where the fusion of diverse religious beliefs and practices are intermingled and results are a religious syncretized with the Moon and Water (oceans). Yemoja's is represented as a mermaid, she is the Patroness of Motherhood, childbirth, the womb, giver of life and all things associated with femininity. She is the nurturing life force associated with Water i.e. Seas and Oceans.

# Mami Wata (Mother Water), African, is often represented with the head and body of a woman and the tail of a fish (Dona Fish). Half-fish and half-human. Mami Wata straddles earth and water, culture and nature. She is associated with spiritual wisdom, healing and divinatory powers, beauty and wealth (she is also associated with natural disasters and reverse traditional social norms).

# Artemis, Greek, carrying a quiver filled with a bow and arrows, accompanied by lionesses, deer, and birds is associated with childbirth.

# Selene, Greek, wearing wings and a head band, riding in a chariot drawn by white horses associated with magic.

# Diana, Roman, carrying a bow and arrow with a hound and stag is associated with fertility and nature.

# Hecate, Greek, a Goddess who has three heads, standing back to back with a horse, a hound, a stag and a lioness. Associated with black magic, death and the underworld.

# Sophia, Phrygian (Asian Turkey) is the female representation of the holy spirit and is associated with knowledge and wisdom.

# Arianrhod, Celtic, dark moon Goddess with a cauldron and white sow is associated with herbs, grains, divination, spells and death.

# Isis, Egyptian, wearing a crescent headdress supporting a full moon and is associated with magic, fertility and regeneration.

# Cybele, Phrygian (Asian Turkey) is the dark moon Goddess, wearing a crescent moon headdress, with pomegranates and bees, carrying finger bones and is associated with nature, wild beasts and black magic.

The Moon Phases

Tradition states that the Moon had four phases; new, full, waning and dark. where in ancient civilisations the Moon was thought to have three faces. The crescent, the full and the waning or dark. It is these three faces that are embodied in the Maiden, Mother and Crone of the three triple Goddesses.

The New Moon is associated with Artemis and this signifies the starting of a new cycle. This is believed to be a magical time in which new opportunities can be gained (Moon in the Northern Hemisphere is located east). The New Moon is the maiden and is associated with personal development such as spiritual and mental well-being. The New Moon-time lasts for about three days of the first quarter, this first quarter is about expansion, creativity, development and growth.

The Full Moon occurs when the Moon is at her fullest and most ripe. She is represented by Isis, Selene, Mawu (Mahu), Yemoja, and Diana. The full moon embodies fertility, abundance and illumination, she is the Primordial Mother who can be prayed to for fertility to the human body, crops to yield and for safe journeys across water. Moon magic is most powerful in the three days before a full Moon and at the actual time of the Full Moon (this is the second quarter). During a Full Moon manifestations and intentions can occur by drawing on the energies of the Full Moon by asking for blessings and healings on a individual or community perspective. The Full Moon is sometimes associated with lunacy ("moon madness"). The powerful energy of the Full Moon can be associated with more potential accidents and trigger epilepsy. People who are susceptible to the influence of the full Moon will experience being more emotionally or mentally impaired and, in the female reproductive cycle, the full Moon is the time of ovulation.

The Waning or Dark Moon is ruled by Mami Wata (Mother Water) and, Hecate these are both said to be Goddesses of magic, sorcery and divine wisdom. The waning moon is the time to clear the past and make space for a new future. A powerful time for which healing can occur. This is the third quarter of the Moon (the left hand side of the Moon is illuminated and the right side is in darkness and the opposite in the Southern Hemisphere). The last phase of the Moon cycle, the Moon enters the rising power time of the fourth quarter (the first to the fourth day after the full Moon). This phasing of the Moon is associated with magic, sorcery, (black or dark magic) during the winter months, when the light on the Earth is low. This is the ideal time to reflect on life by being able to contemplate, and meditate. But it is advised not to make any concrete plans due to how dark the nights are and how powerful the Full Moon magic is, unless you are confident in your supernatural abilities.

Types of Moons

In 2021 we will witness 12 Full Moons, that includes 3 Supermoons, a Blue Moon and 2 Lunar eclipses. Supermoons occur when a Full Moon is at its closest point to Earth. Thus the Moon looks slightly bigger. The first Supermoon was in March 28th and that was called a Super Worm Moon because March's Full Moon is always been referred to as a Worm Moon, the next will be on April 27th (Super Pink Moon) due to the time of the year and nothing to do with the actual colour of the Moon itself. Then on May 26th we can expect a Super Flower Moon and the last Supermoon of 2021 is on June 24th (Super Strawberry Moon).

Different types of moons

A Blue Moon refers to the occasion when a full Moon appears for the second time in the same month (this is very rare). The next seasonal Blue Moon is August 22nd 2021.

The Harvest Moon appears when its at the closest point to Earth and thus it is at its brightest.

A Blood Moon occurs during a total Lunar Eclipse.

January is Wolf Moon, February is Snow Moon, March is Worm Moon, April is Pink Moon, May is Flower Moon, June is Strawberry Moon, July is Buck Moon, August is Sturgeon Moon, September is Full Corn Moon, November is Beaver Moon, December is Cold Moon. These Full Moons have lots of different nicknames and are usually associated with what farmers would refer to the Moon as at that specific time of year (Best time to view a Supermoon is at Moonrise and Moonset).

Animal Associations with the Triple Goddess

New moon is the Hare, Cow, Frog - Artemis (the maiden)

Full moon is the Bear, Dove ,Hare, Cow, Cat, Frog, Wolf, Stag-Diana, Isis, Selene, Arianrhod, Mawu (Mahu), Yemoja, The Primordial Mother.

Waning and Dark Moon is the Owl, Serpent, Hound, Bat, Fox, Toad- Hecate, Ceridwen, Cybele, The Crone.

The next New Moon is on the 12th April (10.30pm UK time) with the Moon in Aries.

Please feel free to share any additional information on the different Moon names/Phases/Myths and Legends.

Much appreciated Lisa Derby City.

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