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If you have a feeling that's telling you do something, but you are seeking a sign from outside of you to confirm the intuitive feeling, that intuitive feeling IS the sign. You are not looking for a sign, you are looking for courage to follow your intuition. Most of the messages that are meant for US are missed because we question ourselves and over think, it is still great idea to look for evidence and be rational in our thought process, but also don't ignore the power of your intuition. You are a credible source too. Trust is always the key to developing your intuition. You begin to trust the process by learning to paying attention to the thoughts and feelings that you receive wherever you go. You may develop a feeling that you don't want to enter a certain environment, or you don't wish to connect with a specific person, that is your intuition. Learn to honour and accept these feelings, they are valid, whether it makes rational sense to you or not. Intuition comes from a place of higher knowing that is intent on guiding you and keeping you safe. Allow yourself to trust what you are feeling. Cultivate intuitive intelligence. Spirit Guides are the spirits that help guide us through our life journey. They communicate with us through our intuition to provide us with Divine guidance. You have lots of Guides and can ask them for help with anything you need!

Your feelings are your own personal compass. When you give your time and energy to certain people or a situation, analyse how it makes your body feel physically. A positive thought makes you feel good, become more aware, that is your truth. When something sends chills throughout your entire body, that's your truth. Your truth resides in your DNA and your cells will always respond to your truth. If you want to develop your intuition but are hesitant and unsure as to whether it is accurate or not. Try this exercise to develop that discernment over time. At the beginning listen to your gut instinct, by simply observing and make notes on how accurate it is through your experience and practical evidence, ''what does it feel like when it is accurate'' continue to be doing repeatedly because this is a very practical way to train yourself to align with developing your intuition in a healthy manner. New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings. Endings of friendships, ending of relationships, ending of jobs, etc. The pain of this is meant to teach you the lessons that would have missed otherwise (pain is a powerful teacher). These life lessons can show you first-hand who NOT to give your energy to. These lessons can also be showing you things you have done wrong, and behaviour to avoid in the future. Regardless of the lesson, you can empower yourself in the midst of difficult transformations like this by choosing to release what was not working for you. You can look at this as an opportunity to transmute the pain and see it for what truth it reveals. This is a gift that needs to be used properly, this gift can and will propel you into the life you have always dreamed off.

There are times when fate will call you to a specific place, for a specific purpose. It may be that you were meant to meet someone, or maybe you were meant to experience something that will change the course of your life purpose or change the course of someone else's life. Whatever the case may be, we all have a life changing 'divine appointment' at the most crucial crossroads of our lives. Trust your intuition and you'll never miss them. Every time you trust your intuition you are strengthening your connection with your higher self (intuition is the GPS of your soul). You should not ignore your intuition. It is the result of information being processed far too quickly for your subconscious mind to comprehend. The more you listen to your intuition, the stronger it will become (learn to differentiate between the sound of your intuition guiding you and your traumas misleading you). Children are very intuitive, and they can sense even the slightest mood changes in you. So instead of covering up your feelings or pretending you're OK, use this opportunity to MODEL for children what it looks like to manage our emotions (Ignoring your intuition and denying what you feel is self-betrayal). Our soul is the essence of your creation. Your intuition is its communication. Therefore, learn to trust your intuition, don't shift your behaviour to blend in with the people around you, and see how your clarity and confidence develops.

You're taught that our bodies have five senses such as Touch, Smell, Taste, Hearing and Sight, but not to forget are the senses of our souls which are intuition, peace, foresight, trust and empathy. Anxiety will have you rushing and running, while intuition will have you slowing down and building, learn to know the difference. Great power comes to those who are willing to listen to the whispers of their spirit instead of the shouts of the world Those who follow the guidance provided by their intuition walk through doorways of abundance, peace, positivity, and compassion. Learn to listen and most importantly, TRUST YOUR INTUTION.

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